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    Recommended for establishments with 100 seats. An updated model of the M45 oven, in which the wishes of customers were taken into account.Closed grill, designed to work in the professional kitchen of a cafe and restaurant. Combines the advantages of a closed oven and grill, used indoors, works only on charcoal.

    603 450 руб 670 500 руб -10 %
  • Sale!

    Hydrofilter (spark arrester) 'VESTA' - designed for guaranteed 100% extinguishing of sparks and flames from barbecues, barbecues, grills and stoves on coals and open fires.

    234 000 руб 260 000 руб -10 %
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    The classic model of an open mangal, designed for cooking meat, fish, cheese and vegetables exclusively using coal.

    685 980 руб 762 200 руб -10 %
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    Furnace - smokehouse with a water bath «STEAM SMOKER» is designed for cooking meat, fish, cheese and vegetables using firewood, charcoal or natural gas.

    360 000 руб 400 000 руб -10 %
  • Equipment for cooking chicken grill on charcoal. It is a metal cabinet with a product preparation chamber, a compartment for coal and skewers. On the front part there is a fire-resistant glass door for monitoring the cooking process.

    636 200 руб
  • Sale!

    Recommended for establishments with 150 seats.Closed grill, designed to work in the professional kitchen of a cafe and restaurant. Combines the advantages of a closed oven and grill, used indoors, works only on charcoal.

    653 400 руб 726 000 руб -10 %
  • Complex Vesta is a set of equipment united under one spark arrester (hydrofilter).When purchasing several types of equipment, it becomes necessary to install several water spark arresters. The Vesta complex allows you to place different types of equipment under one spark arrester. The complex can be bought all at once, or you can buy in parts.

    854 700 руб

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