Tick-tock... do you hear? It's time for bombing news!
So, we have already shown you the Dakota 700 smokehouse; and for a whole month she was tested in different modes. Remarkably, our favorite – smoking bricks, went with a bang
You have no idea how much meat, brisket, ribs, and sausages have been cooked all the time!< br />⠀⠀
As for the brisket, we can say with confidence that it tastes better than on Dakota. definitely not cook. The antediluvian technology of smoker steam locomotives is a thing of the past: no more burnt hands, heavy manual labor and unusable product quality! You will have stable equipment for which you need:
throw wood or coal into the firebox
set the temperature on the controller
after 18-20 hours, pick up a premium product!
And speaking of sausages. We got SUCH results that we decided – We urgently need a Brand Chef. And now in our cool team replenishment – Igor (@CentralniMyasnoi), who specializes in sausages and knows about Dakota 700 almost everything, or rather, her overseas brother. Igor has been associated with meat processing plants and sausages for many years, so he knows a lot of chips and secrets of their preparation!
And finally, what kind of sausage can be cooked in the Dakota 700 smokehouse: ; CERVELAT. A real gourmet find that has existed for over 500 years. This delicacy is recognizable by its bright pattern on the cut.
— GARLIC. Sausage definitely takes time and patience to cook. Many people remember the delicacy from childhood, it was on the festive tables and every housewife knew the recipe. There are also many other worthy sausages.
Well, that's not all! Wait for the next news! Already now you can call / write to us to get all the necessary advice on the Dakota 700 smokehouse oven. Working on it, consulting on sausages — call!